Wiki Processors ¶
Processors are WikiMacros designed to provide alternative markup formats for the Wiki engine. Processors can be thought of as macro functions to process user-edited text.
The Wiki engine uses processors to allow using Restructured Text, raw HTML and textile in any Wiki text throughout Trac.
Using Processors ¶
To use a processor on a block of text, use a Wiki code block, selecting a processor by name using shebang notation (#!), familiar to most UNIX users from scripts.
Example 1 (inserting raw HTML in a wiki text):
{{{ #!html <h1 style="color: orange">This is raw HTML</h1> }}}
Results in:
This is raw HTML
Example 2 (inserting Restructured Text in wiki text):
{{{ #!rst A header -------- This is some **text** with a footnote [*]_. .. [*] This is the footnote. }}}
Results in:
A header -------- This is some **text** with a footnote [*]_. .. [*] This is the footnote.
Example 3 (inserting a block of C source code in wiki text):
{{{ #!c int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; } }}}
Results in:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; }
Available Processors ¶
The following processors are included in the Trac distribution:
- html -- Insert custom HTML in a wiki page. See WikiHtml.
- rst -- Trac support for Restructured Text. See WikiRestructuredText.
- textile -- Supported if Textile is installed. See a Textile reference.
Textile link above is rotten. this one works, allows to test example.
Code Highlighting Support ¶
Trac includes processors to provide inline syntax highlighting for the following languages:
- c -- C
- cpp -- C++
- python -- Python
- perl -- Perl
- ruby -- Ruby
- php -- PHP
- asp --- ASP
- sql -- SQL
- xml -- XML
Note: Trac relies on external software packages for syntax coloring. See TracSyntaxColoring for more info.
By using the MIME type as processor, it is possible to syntax-highlight the same languages that are supported when browsing source code. For example, you can write:
{{{ #!text/html <h1>text</h1> }}}
The result will be syntax highlighted HTML code. The same is valid for all other mime types supported.
For more processor macros developed and/or contributed by users, visit:
Advanced Topics: Developing Processor Macros ¶
Developing processors is no different from WikiMacros. In fact they work the same way, only the usage syntax differs. See WikiMacros for more information.
Example: (Restructured Text Processor):
from docutils.core import publish_string def execute(hdf, text, env): html = publish_string(text, writer_name = 'html') return html[html.find('<body>')+6:html.find('</body>')].strip()
See also: WikiMacros, WikiHtml, WikiRestructuredText, TracSyntaxColoring, WikiFormatting, TracGuide