
Revision 9, 1.2 kB (checked in by phil, 16 years ago)

EasyWEB example for uVision (original from CD)

1 *** Creating Trace Output File '.\Objects\easyweb.tra' Ok.
2 ### Preparing for ADS-LD.
3 ### Creating ADS-LD Command Line
4 ### List of Objects: adding '".\objects\easyweb.o"'
5 ### List of Objects: adding '".\objects\tcpip.o"'
6 ### List of Objects: adding '".\objects\emac.o"'
7 ### List of Objects: adding '".\objects\retarget.o"'
8 ### List of Objects: adding '".\objects\lpc2300.o"'
9 ### ADS-LD Command completed:
10 ".\objects\easyweb.o" ".\objects\tcpip.o" ".\objects\emac.o" ".\objects\retarget.o" ".\objects\lpc2300.o" --library_type=microlib --device DARMP --strict --scatter ".\Objects\easyweb.sct"
12 --autoat --summary_stderr --info summarysizes --map --xref --callgraph --symbols
14 --info sizes --info totals --info unused --info veneers
16  --list ".\Listing\" -o ".\Objects\easyweb.axf"### Preparing Environment (PrepEnvAds)
17 ### ADS-LD Output File: '.\Objects\easyweb.axf'
18 ### ADS-LD Command File: '.\Objects\easyweb.lnp'
19 ### Checking for dirty Components...
20 ### Creating CmdFile '.\Objects\easyweb.lnp', Handle=0x00000258
21 ### Writing '.lnp' file
22 ### ADS-LD Command file '.\Objects\easyweb.lnp' is ready.
23 ### ADS-LD: About to start ADS-LD Thread.
24 ### ADS-LD: executed with 0 errors
25 ### Updating obj list
26 ### LDADS_file() completed.
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