


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @159 [159] 04/25/12 16:47:36 phil --
(edit) @158 [158] 04/25/12 12:13:37 phil --
(edit) @157 [157] 04/25/12 12:13:01 phil --
(edit) @156 [156] 04/23/12 12:17:08 phil --
(edit) @155 [155] 04/17/12 15:26:27 phil --
(edit) @154 [154] 04/17/12 11:25:20 phil --
(edit) @153 [153] 04/16/12 17:54:37 phil --
(edit) @152 [152] 04/12/12 16:48:41 phil --
(edit) @151 [151] 04/12/12 10:52:36 phil --
(edit) @150 [150] 04/11/12 14:49:19 phil --
(edit) @149 [149] 04/10/12 17:03:13 phil --
(edit) @148 [148] 04/10/12 15:52:39 phil --
(edit) @147 [147] 04/05/12 16:41:58 phil --
(edit) @146 [146] 04/04/12 09:31:33 phil --
(edit) @145 [145] 03/29/12 17:58:48 phil --
(edit) @144 [144] 03/29/12 17:58:10 phil --
(edit) @143 [143] 03/28/12 15:21:10 phil --
(edit) @142 [142] 03/05/12 16:24:09 phil --
(edit) @141 [141] 03/05/12 14:33:22 phil --
(edit) @140 [140] 03/05/12 14:23:23 phil --
(edit) @139 [139] 02/08/12 15:18:16 phil --
(edit) @138 [138] 02/08/12 11:11:47 phil --
(edit) @137 [137] 02/07/12 11:24:18 phil --
(edit) @136 [136] 02/05/12 16:00:33 phil neueste Solar-Buchhaltung mit Steuer 2011
(edit) @135 [135] 02/04/12 15:10:21 phil neueste Solar-Buchhaltung
(edit) @134 [134] 02/03/12 14:52:44 phil --
(edit) @133 [133] 02/03/12 11:11:57 phil --
(edit) @132 [132] 02/02/12 11:53:00 phil --
(edit) @131 [131] 02/02/12 11:11:19 phil --
(edit) @130 [130] 02/01/12 14:47:21 phil --
(edit) @129 [129] 02/01/12 10:46:58 phil --
(edit) @128 [128] 02/01/12 08:53:00 phil --
(edit) @127 [127] 01/04/12 12:19:43 phil --
(edit) @126 [126] 01/04/12 11:07:11 phil --
(edit) @125 [125] 01/03/12 14:07:55 phil --
(edit) @124 [124] 12/14/11 15:16:43 phil --
(edit) @123 [123] 12/14/11 09:37:46 phil --
(edit) @122 [122] 12/12/11 20:28:51 phil umlaute repariert
(edit) @121 [121] 12/11/11 14:38:18 phil commit
(edit) @120 [120] 12/06/11 11:51:21 phil --
(edit) @119 [119] 12/06/11 10:51:35 phil anfangsstand
(edit) @118 [118] 12/06/11 10:49:52 phil Diplomarbeit
(edit) @117 [117] 08/01/11 12:50:40 phil --
(edit) @116 [116] 07/19/11 22:21:06 phil --
(edit) @115 [115] 07/13/11 21:51:44 phil --
(edit) @114 [114] 07/13/11 12:10:18 phil --
(edit) @113 [113] 06/21/11 14:57:33 phil --
(edit) @112 [112] 06/21/11 12:21:18 phil --
(edit) @111 [111] 06/20/11 21:45:53 phil --
(edit) @110 [110] 06/20/11 21:24:10 phil --
(edit) @109 [109] 06/20/11 21:19:11 phil --
(edit) @108 [108] 06/19/11 23:23:40 phil --
(edit) @107 [107] 06/19/11 23:08:13 phil Korrekturen vom Vogel
(edit) @106 [106] 06/19/11 19:25:11 phil --
(edit) @105 [105] 06/19/11 19:20:42 phil --
(edit) @104 [104] 06/19/11 18:28:16 phil --
(edit) @103 [103] 06/16/11 13:24:40 phil --
(edit) @102 [102] 06/15/11 15:15:31 phil --
(edit) @101 [101] 06/15/11 11:58:12 phil --
(edit) @100 [100] 06/15/11 11:51:06 phil --
(edit) @99 [99] 06/15/11 10:55:39 phil --
(edit) @98 [98] 06/14/11 20:51:48 phil ergebnisse und ein paar bilder hinzugefügt
(edit) @97 [97] 06/14/11 20:34:30 phil --
(edit) @96 [96] 06/14/11 20:12:00 phil --
(edit) @95 [95] 06/14/11 19:16:03 phil --
(edit) @94 [94] 06/07/11 17:14:49 phil --
(edit) @93 [93] 05/30/11 11:11:54 phil --
(edit) @92 [92] 05/28/11 23:00:54 phil --
(edit) @91 [91] 05/27/11 20:26:10 phil
(edit) @90 [90] 05/27/11 16:36:50 phil --
(edit) @89 [89] 05/25/11 22:19:03 phil neue plots, n paar aenderungen
(edit) @88 [88] 05/24/11 22:17:40 phil zeug hin und her gschmissn :)
(edit) @87 [87] 05/23/11 22:28:04 phil überlange zeilen im .tex source verkürzt (gewrapped)
(edit) @86 [86] 05/23/11 21:43:11 phil deleted
(edit) @85 [85] 05/23/11 21:39:44 phil ignore list andere temp dateien
(edit) @84 [84] 05/23/11 21:38:17 phil ignore list *.aux
(edit) @83 [83] 05/23/11 21:37:15 phil Der Vogel hat alles repariert ;-)
(edit) @82 [82] 05/23/11 19:26:20 phil Studiarbeit-Version vom 16.5. vom USB-Stick eingespielt
(edit) @81 [81] 05/23/11 19:17:32 phil Ordner für Studiarbeit von Schnurps
(edit) @80 [80] 12/27/10 17:07:42 phil - switched baud rate back to 57600
(edit) @79 [79] 11/02/10 17:03:45 phil replaced DAY by LASTDAY in web status
(edit) @78 [78] 11/02/10 16:36:57 phil - hour query gets now read hour - 1 - renamed convertSingleDigit to …
(edit) @77 [77] 10/31/10 13:36:00 phil new tx digit conversion routines
(edit) @76 [76] 10/26/10 19:10:55 phil - hour yield is now not divided by 60, this must be done by the scripts …
(edit) @75 [75] 10/24/10 11:38:27 phil corrected hour yield query data encoding (binary coded hex for hour query)
(edit) @74 [74] 10/23/10 22:09:26 phil - extended range of hourly queries
(edit) @73 [73] 10/23/10 21:39:51 phil - state machine now also does hourly queries - added LASTHOUR entry to web …
(edit) @72 [72] 10/23/10 12:36:15 phil - switched baud rate to 2400 (try to minimize errors) - corrected binary …
(edit) @71 [71] 10/19/10 20:56:18 phil - changed DAY output on webpage to one line - added checksum check for …
(edit) @70 [70] 10/17/10 18:13:03 phil we now query and display the solar yields of the previous days (day - 1) …
(edit) @69 [69] 09/18/10 13:47:23 phil progress update: additional states. now reads sample month yield data
(edit) @68 [68] 09/12/10 19:33:03 phil query time once per minute now works. more detailled output on FSM stuck …
(edit) @67 [67] 09/04/10 17:14:00 phil made 2 byte rx checksum check general (now used for wattage, voltage and …
(edit) @66 [66] 09/04/10 15:30:17 phil introduced 2 byte checksum check for rx momentary power packets, including …
(edit) @65 [65] 09/04/10 12:33:34 phil fixed compilation issue in portmacro.h for new CrossWorks?
(edit) @64 [64] 09/04/10 10:32:00 phil neues Backup Buchhaltung
(edit) @63 [63] 04/11/10 16:05:26 phil buchfuehrung solaranlage (7zip verschluesselt)
(edit) @62 [62] 04/11/10 15:53:09 phil Solar Buchhaltung folder created
(edit) @61 [61] 04/06/10 20:20:57 phil solar power history size now 20 (3 second increments)
(edit) @60 [60] 04/04/10 10:49:44 phil meter value calculation now not in ISR anymore, introduced …
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